Tuesday, March 26, 2013

YouCG Story

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Gina. She was a very good writer and she wrote stories often. One day, she wrote a fantasy story for her little sister. She fell asleep while writing it and her head laid on the keyboard. She accidentally hit a few buttons and it sent her inside of the story. Gina was now the Princess, the main character of the story. She was in a totally different world. 

Gina went to the castle, where there were many guards. Gina went up to one of the guards and asked, "Where am I? What am I doing here?" The guard didn't respond. He just stood there, guarding the castle. "Why did I make a story with statue guards?" she asked herself. Gina went inside of the castle. There were a bunch of people getting ready for a royal ball. One of the servants went to her and asked, "Princess Gina, what are you doing here?" 

"I really don't know why I'm in this castle." 

"What? I was asking you why are you in this room. You should be getting ready for the ball." 

"What ball?" Gina asked. "I just want to go back home." 

"Gina, stop talking nonsense!" the princess's mother shouted as she entered the room. "This is your home. You are a princess. Now, go upstairs and change!" 

Gina did as her mother from the story told her, even though she did not know what she was talking about. Why did she have to go to a ball? Another servant brought her to her room a ballgowns. Which apparently had enough ball gowns for 100 people. Gina chose a beautiful pink ball gown, that had sparkles all over it. She was ready for the ball. 

Gina walked to the ball room, still wondering why she needed to go to one. "Maybe it was just regular princess stuff." she thought. Everyone clapped loudly as Princess Gina entered the room. You could tell being a princess was diffidently fun, but she wanted to go back to her normal home. "Princess Gina, please step forward." one of the royal family members ordered. Gina walked to the front of the room. "You are now crowned Queen." Everyone began clapping for Princess-I mean Queen Gina. Suddenly, a portal appeared and brought her to the real world. Gina immediately woke up. "It was all a dream." Gina told herself. "Wait a second!" Gina turned her computer on and started typing her dream. That will be the fiction story for her little sister! Gina read the story to her sister and she loved it! It turns out good stories doesn't just come from a talent of writing or knowing about good stories, it comes from imagination and creativity. You can write a great story with just those two!

The End

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Free Atom Cupboard and Books

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